Coffee Cupping

A method used to systematically evaluate the aroma and taste quality character of a sample of coffee beans - “SCA”.

Main purposes of cupping:

  • Identify defects 

  • Identify flavors and quality

  • Evaluate intensity

  • Record results

Want to try it at home? Here’s how:

Equipment and setup:

  • Scale,

  • Cupping glasses - you can use any cup, see picture reference below

  • Cupping spoons - home spoons are just fine

  • Hot water

  • Notebook to record your evaluation.


Measure approx 8.25G of coffee to 150ml water as per SCA , the following ratio will defer from one cup to another, thus one might need to adjust accordingly. 

Coffee samples should be weighed out as whole beans with a slightly coarser grind size usually used for filter brewing.

Ideal water temperature should be between 93 - 97 degrees, not boiling.

Now that the above is all set, grind coffee (see size in pictures below), sniff the coffee particles and evaluate the dry fragrance - record your evaluation, you can also use the flavor wheel as evaluation reference.

Infuse with hot water for 3 / 4mins - move your spoon three times in a circular movement without disturbing the grinds below, thus gently sniffing the crust - record your evaluation.

Clean the crust by removing the top layer of foam by eliminating it in another bowl. Clean spoons.

Once the temperature has cooled down, cup the coffee (taste) with a spoon and record your assessment.

See reference steps below.

Happy Cupping!

Want to learn more about sensory training?

We recommend you to join any of the below trainings for better guidance or a professional career within the industry:


COFFEE & strangers is Malta’s leading coffee speciality distributor and training hub. We strive to provide only what’s best to all coffee professionals and enthusiasts out there who wish to explore the intriguing world of coffee in more depth.

Storing Coffee


The Coffee Taster’s Flavor Wheel